Free online English dictionary by Babylon. Get free definitions from over 1,700 online dictionaries, glossaries and encyclopedias and download our translation/dictionary tool for free network- (computer science) a network of computers Intelnet- a computer network similar to but separate from the internet; devoted to the dissemination of information to and for the Intelligence Community cyberspace,internet,net- a computer network consisting of a worldwide network of...
computer, mobile device, module, morphing, MP3, mpeg, multiaccess, multiprogramming, multi-threaded, multi-user, NAND circuit or gate, network, neurocomputer or neural computer, node, NOR gate, notebook computer, NOT gate, object program, OEM or original equipment manufacturer, offline, online,...
Dictionary Medical Legal Financial Acronyms Idioms Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to computer:Computer generations Graphic Thesaurus🔍 DisplayON AnimationON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> subtracter statistician actuary number cruncher reckoner ...
The World's most comprehensive free online dictionary, thesaurus, and encyclopedia with synonyms, definitions, idioms, abbreviations, and medical, financial, legal specialized dictionaries
The World's most comprehensive free online dictionary, thesaurus, and encyclopedia with synonyms, definitions, idioms, abbreviations, and medical, financial, legal specialized dictionaries
Astronomy-Biology-Chemistry-Computer science-Earth science-Ecology-Health science-Mathematics-Physics-Statistics Applied Arts and Sciences Agriculture-Architecture-Business-Communication-Education-Engineering-Family and consumer science-Government-Law-Library and information science-Medicine-Politics-Public affairs-Soft...
This article is provided by FOLDOC - Free Online Dictionary of Computing ( Internet The term internet (lower case "i") always meant a large network made up of smaller networks. Today, the term mostly refers to the global Internet, spelled with both upper and lower case "I." ...
This article is provided by FOLDOC - Free Online Dictionary of Computing ( Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page for free fun content. Link to this page: ...
Looking for online definition of Math-Science-Computer or what Math-Science-Computer stands for? Math-Science-Computer is listed in the World's most authoritative dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms