Define chaplaincy. chaplaincy synonyms, chaplaincy pronunciation, chaplaincy translation, English dictionary definition of chaplaincy. n. 1. A member of the clergy attached to a chapel. 2. a. A member of the clergy who conducts religious services for an
RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook chapeau Thesaurus Wikipedia cha·peau (shă-pō′)·peausorcha·peaux(-pōz′) A hat. [French, from Old Frenchchapel, from Vulgar Latincappellus, diminutive of Late Latincappa,hooded cloak.] ...
Dangerous play in the 38th minute saw Old Lady defender Ansel Chaplain see yellow and then 4 minutes later the defence was handed a big blow. Gramz Thaqi, the Old Lady captain who had earlier missed from the spot had now suffered an injury and had to be substituted. Referee Warren Peace...
Synonyms for hospital train in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for hospital train. 7 words related to hospital train: railroad train, train, armed forces, armed services, military, military machine, war machine. What are synonyms for hospital train?
ancient places of education, and in whose family the pupils would find the elegances of refined society and the confidence and affection of a home." It was in this way that the Reverend Lawrence Veal of Hart Street, Bloomsbury, and domestic Chaplain to the Earl of Bareacres, strove with ...
, operations and combat training, logistics, civilian affairs, adjutant general, army aviation, field artillery, antiaircraft artillery, signal troops, engineer troops, the chemical, financial, medical, transport, and meteorological services, the commandant’s office, military police, and chaplains....
she established chapels in Bath and other centers of fashion and appointed chaplains to take charge of them. In 1768 she founded a seminary for the training of ministers at Trevecca House in Wales. Later it was removed to Cheshunt, Hertfordshire. Those associated with her establishments and ...
The types of losses that hospital chaplains and counselors are trained to deal with include bereavement and mourning from the death of a loved one. They also offer support with ambiguous loss issues occurring when a person is still alive but physically and psychologically impaired, such as when ...
MEGMicro Enterprise and Training Development Grant(Trinidad & Tobago) MEGMaintenance Engineering Group MEGManagement Evaluation Guide MEGMarine Equipment Buyers' Guide MEGMessage Entry Generator MEGMedical Evaluation Guide(US FEMA) MEGMining and Environmental Geology(University of Venda; est. 2000; South Af...
the Horses First Fund, founded by LNJ Foxwoods in 2016, to assist Thoroughbreds in need of emergency aid. TCA manages Cómo, a mobile app founded by Godolphin, that connects racing industry employees to the vital services they need through a network of racetrack chaplains and Thoroughbred ...