There are tons of free online courses out there to help improve your content. Here are a few author favorites.
(Computer Science)informalan online journal. Full name:weblog vb (Computer Science) to write an online journal ˈbloggern ˈbloggingn Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011,...
This blog comes in handy for people dreaming of a freelance writing career. Using tips and ideas below will surely help you get the best online job!
Promotions: Creators on Substack can promote each other’s blogs. This is often seen where two writers collaborate or when one writer features another in a post. Search: Users can use the search function to find blogs that match specific topics or keywords. If your blog happens to meet the...
When it comes to blogging, there are quite a few different ways to learn, ranging from content on other blogs (like mine), online blogging courses, video tutorials, conferences, and more. One format that many overlook, is blogger books. Believe it or not, blogger books are still very ...
Thanks to Marie99 for pointing this out. 365Tomorrows a free science fiction short story per day for online viewing. They have been online since August, 2005, so there is a large collection of works here. A Celebration of Woman Writers New! a collection of links to free novels by woman ...
Various writers have compiled this list during the course of the Trump administration. Their work has been guided by invaluable journalistic resources, including WTFJHT, NPR, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and other sources….
Best-selling authors.Entrepreneurs.Writerswho stepped away for a season, but are making a comeback.Ministerswho have a good sense of humor.Yours truly. All have things to say, and all have found homes on Medium. Who Should NOT Use Medium?
Achtung, religious believers and/or anyone who’s ever slungThere but for the grace of god go Ito a fellow human being:Is that how you respond to and/or think about tragedies and misfortunes – that shit falls on some people and not on others due to the whims (“grace”) of a deity...
In this detailed guide, I’m going to show you the 13 best free online proofreading sites to create error-free content on your blogs. Whether you arewriting for a blogor creating essays, proofreading is a must. Here’s where using online proofreading tools will help you rectify your gram...