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Understanding Human Ecology and Ecological Anthropology 4-5 hrs1,416 learners You Will Learn How To Describe the impact of human activity on the environment Relate how ecological anthropology emerged Discuss cultural materialism and neofunctiona...Read More ...
Course Title Contains Initiative/Provider University/Entity Categories Subjects/Skills Course Length Start Date The Skin, Bones, and Muscles (Coursera) View more details Anatomy: Musculoskeletal and Integumentary Systems (Coursera) View more details ...
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15. Anthropology of Social Media: Why We Post by UCL (University College London) The University of College London (UCL) offers a five-week long free online course, Anthropology of Social Media: Why We Post. This course helps you understand asks “What are the consequences of social media?”...
physical anthropology. synecdochism the belief that a part of a person or object can act in place of the whole and thus that anything done to the part will equally affect the whole. Ulotrichi people with woolly, tightly curled, or crisp hair; a division of mankind characterized by people...
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Utah State University offers a significant selection of online courses in a range of fields such as anthropology, biology, economics, physics and theater arts. Utah State's course offerings includefree online teacher education classesthat are part of the K-12 teacher education curriculum. Students ...
Anthropology Courses Neuroscience Courses Data Analysis Courses Research Methods Courses Statistics & Probability Courses Cognitive Sciences Courses Showing 189 courses Sort by Relevancy Filter by With certificate (32) Free course (131) With free certificate (1) University course only (36) ...
Applied Anthropology MCQs Kinship MCQs Marriage, Family, and Domestic Groups MCQs Введениеввопросыантропологиинарусскомязыке Introducción a las preguntas de antropología en idiomas rusos. ...