FOB 术语 FOB(Free On Board的首字母缩写),也称“离岸价”,是国际贸易中常用的贸易术语之一。FOB的全文是Free On Board(…named port of shipment),即船上交货(…指定装运港),习惯称为装运港船上交货。按此术语成交,由买方负责派船接运货物,卖方应在合同规定的装运港和规定的期限内,将货物装上买方指定的...
#东奥CMA每日英文词汇# 1、FOB (free on board) Destination目的地交货 The seller pays the shipping costs. Title passes to the buyer upon receipt of the goods. 卖方支付运费。买方收到货物后, 货物所有...
Free on board (FOB) is a term used in shipping to define the party responsible for the goods during transit. “Free on board destination” means the seller is responsible for the goods while they are being shipped, up until they reach the destination. On the other hand, “Free on board...
你好 贸易术语是不能随便更改的。 FOB destination暂时没接触过呢。要说FOB哪个地方,例如fob guangzhou,fob ningbo FOB 是 买方付运费,但是本地的报关费用拖车费之类的卖方给,就是书本上说越过船舷,责任就从卖方转向买方的意思。CIF 是 cost insurance freight 就是 产品价格+保险+运费 还有C&F这个...
FOB (Free On Board)FOB 是国际贸易术语,指卖方在装运港将货物装上买方指定的运输工具后,买方承担货物的风险和费用。FOB 可以细分为:- **FOB Origin**: 风险和费用在货物装船后转移给买方。- **FOB Destination**: 卖方承担货物运输过程中的风险和费用,直到货物到达买方指定地点。使用示例**:-...
FOB (Free On Board) means the seller's responsibilities end once the goods reach the ship's rail, so the buyer takes over. As opposed to "delivered", which means that the seller bears all risks and costs until the goods get to the buyer's destination. ...
关于FOB的表述正确的是 ?A.英文全称是 Free on Board (… named port of destination)B.海洋运费由出口商承担C.出口商在装运
FOB:是Free on Board,其中文含义为“装运港船上交货(...指定装运港)”。使用该术语,卖方应负责办理出口清关手续,在合同规定的装运港和规定的期限内,将货物交到买方指派的船上,承担货物在装运港越过船舷之前的一切风险,并及时通知买方。 本条中“货物越过船舷”好像现在已经做出更改,即直到货物装运到指定船的...
FOB: Free On Board,船上交货价。按离岸价进行的交易,买方负责派船接运货物,卖方应在合同规定的装运港和规定的期限内将货物装上买方指定的船只,并及时通知买方。货物在装运港被装上指定船时,风险即由卖方转移至买方。FOB需要考虑内陆运输费及各类港前操作费用。如果客户指定货代会产生较多的额外操作费用。CFR: ...