ˈnumberless adjective very many. innumerable, sin número ˈnumber-plate noun one of the metal plates carried on the front and back of a motor vehicle showing the registration number of the vehicle. matrícula, placahis etc days are numbered...
Define number theory. number theory synonyms, number theory pronunciation, number theory translation, English dictionary definition of number theory. n. The branch of mathematics that deals with the properties of integers. American Heritage® Dictionar
(redirected from numberless)Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Legal. number number, entity describing the magnitude or position of a mathematical object or extensions of these concepts. The Natural Numbers Cardinal numbers describe the size of a collection of objects; two such ...
but in the event of the leastdisagreementor improper step, not only did they not submit to them, but they also spread, the moment they put their foot outside the second gate, numberless jokes on their account and made fun of them. Wu Hsin-teng's wife had thus devised an experiment in...
WordNet nouncord Synonyms cord yarn twine wire strand rope fibre thread hawser ligature nounnecklace Synonyms necklace strand rope rosary chaplet nounseries Synonyms series line row file sequence queue succession procession nounsequence nounstringed instruments ...
numberless numberplate Numbers numbers game numbers pool numbers racket numbfish numbing numbly numbness numbskull numdah numdah rug numen Numenius Numenius arquata Numenius borealis numerable numeracy numeral numerate numeration numeration system numerator numeric numerical numerical analysis numerical quantity ...
When the two races of Tsin and Han contended in battle, and filled the empire with tumult, our tribes were in full power: numberless was the host of armed warriors with their bended horns. For seven days my ancestor hemmed in with his forces the Emperor Kaoute; until, by the contrivance...
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The installation of the mighty idol upon his car, and his journey to a country residence, about a mile and a half distant only, though it occupies three days, is performed with numberless extraordinary ceremonies by his devotees. ...— Mark Seaworth • William H.G. Kingston Read full ...