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Hawaii Anti-Gun Bills Scheduled for Public Hearings on Wednesday by NRA ILA Monday, February 10, 2025 ... Senate Committee on Public Safety and Military Affairs will hold a public hearing on several bills that will restrict Second Amendment rights in Hawaii ... read more... FULL TEXT: State...
FK– Of course any longstanding institution like the ‘NoRights that aren’tAllowed’ group will be heavily infiltrated. But then the NRA wasfounded by Yankee generals who simply wanted conscripts who could shoot betterand the republicrat party was the original party of big govt. and had Marxi...
The former head of the Pentagon’s secret, $22 million UFO-hunting program says aliens may have visited Earth. “My personal belief is that there is very compelling evidence that we may not be alone,” Luis Elizondo, former leader of the so-called Advanced Aviation Threat Identification ...