Enjoy hassle-free taxi service with FREENOW. Book a taxi fast and pay easily with the app. Download the FREENOW app for iOS or Android.
With thousands of drivers in one app, you can book a taxi wherever you are, even in times of high demand. KNOW YOUR DRIVER When you hop on a FREENOW taxi, you'll know your driver's details, rating, and driving experience to make sure you're in safe hands. ...
With thousands of drivers in one app, you can book a taxi wherever you are, even in times of high demand. KNOW YOUR DRIVER When you hop on a FREENOW taxi, you'll know your driver's details, rating, and driving experience to make sure you're in safe hands. ...
尝试FREENOW for Business,让费用报告变得轻松,你的雇主还可以为你每月的交通津贴卡支付你所有的旅费 应用截图 <> 多平台下载 Android版 freenow手机app v12.37.1 安卓版 freenow苹果版 v12.37.1 iphone手机版 包名:taxi.android.client MD5:86c3c30306700f7b4626f19eaa81ed3e 共0人参与互动,查看所有0条评论>...
FREENOWist Europas führende Taxi-App SCHNELLE TAXI-BUCHUNG Im Durchschnitt ist dein Taxi in 3 Minuten bei dir. Mit unserem großen Pool an ortskundigen Fahrer*innen bringen wir dich auf kürzestem Weg von A nach B. TAXIS UND MEHR ...
《freenow》严格筛选合作司机,确保每位乘客的出行安全。你还可以在应用中查看司机的评价和评分,选择信誉良好的司机。如果在使用过程中遇到任何问题,Freenow提供了实时客服支持,你可以随时联系客服团队,获得及时的帮助和解答。名称:FREENOW 包名:taxi.android.client MD5值:70820faced2f21570527b5fb9db30b21相关...
With FREENOW, the Mobility Super App, you can book taxis and more. We’re also in 9 countries across Europe, so you can use the app wherever you go. WHAT CAN YO…
FREE NOW: order, pay for and rate a taxi on your smartphone with the first taxi app! Earn miles with every journey booked via FREE NOW!
如果觉得司机服务好,还可以在app上额外加0.5,1,2欧元。不过,有些司机可能不给小费,比如那位不让残疾人朋友坐前座的司机,或者那位车里有异味的女司机。 总之,Freenow打车安全可靠,线路明确。每个国家都有不同的打车软件,比如Uber在希腊不可用,所以选择Freenow。在匈牙利时,我使用了Fotaxi,体验也不错。建议大家...
Eco Taxi: Ireland’s largest electric and hybrid taxi fleet offering you a greener way to travel TRAVEL ALL OVER EUROPE The FREENOW service is available across 10 countries in over 100 European cities. SUPPORT If you have any questions, please visit the help & contact section of the app (...