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Genomics in the NHS: A Clinician's Guide to Genomic Testing for Rare Disease (FutureLearn) Explore the practicalities of genomic testing in the NHS, when to consider genomics, and the patient pathway for rare disease. Build your knowledge of the genomic testing pathway for rare disease. The...
Dec 2nd 2024 Coursera The School for Change Agents (FutureLearn) Develop the skills to make a difference and create change in your organisation on this course targeted to health and care staff. Build the confidence needed to make change happen. Do you want to make a difference in your organi...
Short, free online training courses from the Zero Suicide Alliance to support potentially life-saving conversations.
As members of the New Savoy Partnership, they have been major players in The New Savoy Conference, an annual jamboree and market stall for state therapies in the NHS. The NSC frequently stagesopening addresses by DWP and Health ministersto assert the close relationship between the professional bod...
Verb1.opt- select as an alternative over another; "I always choose the fish over the meat courses in this restaurant"; "She opted for the job on the East coast" choose,prefer cop out,opt out- choose not to do something, as out of fear of failing; "She copped out when she was sup...
3.adjective, slangVery easy; not demanding or challenging at all. Said of academic courses.I padded out the semester with a few gut classes so I could take on some extra shifts at the restaurant.I thought Physics 101 would be a real challenge, but it turned out to be a bit of a gut...
Open Data NHS Scotland Medical reference data and statistics by Public Health Scotland No Yes Unknown Open Disease API for Current cases and more stuff about COVID-19 and Influenza No Yes Yes openFDA Public FDA data about drugs, devices and foods apiKey Yes Unknown Orion Health Medical platform...
There is a reason why our course is used by both the UK and US governments, the MOD, the NHS, the police, businesses and schools worldwide. We are still the only typing course available on the UK’s Learndirect and the US’s OpenSesame learning portals. ...
Paul & Ors v The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust--liability for psychiatric injury to a close relative of primary victim suffering traumatic death,negligence and horrific event seperated in time,one appeal allowed,prepared to grant permission to appeal to the Supreme Court--Court of Appeal Judgment(...