in Natal chart All Astro-Seek's Tools and Calculators» Current planets Planetary positions of this moment» Sun 5°51’ Aqu Moon 17°31’ Sag Third Quarter Moon(311°39’) Mercury 25°56’ Cap Venus 22°04’ Pis Mars 22°33’ ...
in Natal chart All Astro-Seek's Tools and Calculators» Current planets Planetary positions of this moment» Sun 0°25’ Aqu Moon 13°09’ Lib Disseminating(252°44’) Mercury 17°33’ Cap Venus 17°13’ Pis Mars 24°34’ Can
If you encounter any bugs or issues, please let me know at In March 2019, I added the option to use the "they" pronoun to the free natal chart report due to readers' suggestions. I am very happy about this addition! I tried my best to incorporate this ...
Extended Chart Selection Sections RoundSpecialEphemerisPullen/Astrolog Chart type:Natal Chart Wheel- PARTNER CHARTS -Synastry chart (2)Synastry chart w. outer circle (2)Natal with partner outside (2)Composite Chart, Midpoint-method (2)Composite Chart, method (2)Composite + Natals, Mid...
any bad outcome. For a brief explanation for your symbol the astrologers also have compared each sign with another to set up the best and the worst. You have control over your zodiac chart interception and also the natal chart. Each zodiac has its Astro seek signature sign each made ...
You can also write to For more details about the natal chart report, see Understanding the Free Natal Chart Report. See also video instructions for how to use this Free Reports section of the site here. Unknown birth times: Checking off "Time Unknown" instructs the...
Astro-Charts make it easy to discover the unique and interesting chart patterns in your birth chart (natal chart). There are over 17 different chart patterns we look for in your chart. Some common chart patterns include: Yod, t-square, stellium, rectangle, grand-cross, grand trine, castle,...
AstroVed presents you with the necessary free tools right from writing your birth chart to predictions for any Dosha (affliction) such as Naga (snake), Manglik (Mars), and Pitru (ancestral) in it. You can also take a free quiz to learn about your personality from your birth star. The ...
FREE BIRTH CHART | Your free natal chart and report: Your ascendant and natal chart are calculated with best accuracy from your date, time and place of birth.
Your Free Birth Chart Who were you when you came into this world? What strengths do you draw on? What specific challenges do you face? Find out what the celestial skies say about you! What you will get: A beautiful color birth chart An introduction explaining everything A list of planeta...