1.A person owing loyalty to and entitled by birth or naturalization to the protection of a state or nation. 2.A resident of a city or town, especially one entitled to vote and enjoy other privileges there. 3.A civilian. 4.A native, inhabitant, or denizen of a particular place:citizens...
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identify, name - give the name or identifying characteristics of; refer to by name or some other identifying characteristic property; "Many senators were named in connection with the scandal"; "The almanac identifies the auspicious months"
Czech Namedays Calendar Lookup for a name and returns nameday date No No Unknown Festivo Public Holidays Fastest and most advanced public holiday and observance service on the market apiKey Yes Yes Google Calendar Display, create and modify Google calendar events OAuth Yes Unknown Hebrew Calendar ...
You can help by sending Pull Requests to add more services. Once I have a good set of links in this README file, I'll look into a better layout for the information and links (help with that is appreciated too). NOTE:This list is only for as-a-Service offerings, not for self hoste...
Reverse phone lookup, which is also known as reverse phone number search, refers to a process that lets you use only a phone number to find someone’s names and address to try and identify who the telephone number belongs to. Once you know the name of the unknown caller, you can use ...
Birth LookupsCensus LookupsDeath LookupsFamily Trees LookupsLand Record LookupsMarriage LookupsMilitary LookupsState Record LookupsPassenger & Immigration Lookups 2. Please complete the request form.3. Please limit your lookup requests to one per day. If you have multiple email accounts, please refrain ...
Who would use a name lookup? Anybody and everybody. As long as you’re not living under a rock, you probably have a question that can be answered using a name search. How can a free people search be used? It varies; college students use people searches to learn more about a first ...
Post Office ZIP lookup to find out the county. (Search for P.O. Box 1 in that city and state, then click on Mailing Industry Details.) Often you can tell relationships of multiple signers, such as husband and wife or a man and a woman with the same surname deeding the property to ...
Find out the registration details and contact information for any domain by using this Whois Lookup tool. Content Creation and Optimization Whether you are producing content to make your own website more engaging or as part of an SEO-fueled content marketing strategy, these free tools will help...