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2:13 Future bass Music Background Love Homo Digital – Futuristic Synth Ambient / Powerful Electronic SynthsRockot 2:54 Drum n bass Homo Digital Like Wow Wow (Didgeridoo It)AberrantRealities 3:08 Drum n bass Breakcore Crazy Load more Genre Drum N Bass Electronic Mood Dreamy Bright Energetic...
kpstrange 2523 2 05:03 Muzzy - Break Away (ft. Priority One) ► DRUM & BASS kpstrange 47 0 03:30 [Chillstep] Broken Elegance - Restless kpstrange 265 1 03:45 Wholm & WildVibes - Mornin' Sun kpstrange 219 2 展开 ...
In this blog, we offer you free music lessons and tabs for guitar, bass and drums. Also find our latest news about the Guitar Pro software
bass drum (beɪs) n (Instruments) a large shallow drum of low and indefinite pitch. Also called:gran cassa Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
(pronounced b¯ass) in music, low in pitch or range, a bass voice or instrument:He sings bass. Not to be confused with: base– the bottom support; that on which something stands; a fundamental principle; basis; foundation:Place the vase on the base. ...
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