2.To form an opinion about; evaluate:"While an author is yet living we estimate his powers by his worst performance"(Samuel Johnson). n.(-mĭt) 1. a.A tentative evaluation or rough calculation, as of worth, quantity, or size:an estimate of the damage caused by the storm. ...
Despite this, the main merit of the Binary Logistic Regression model is that it is able estimate the impact of affecting variables on the probability of crashes and can help identify the factors related to risks in work zones. Machine learning approaches applied in this study perform well in ...
We compared estimates of the dog population using three analytical methods: Lincoln-Petersen index, the Chapman estimate, and the logit-normal mixed effects model, and a varying number of count periods at different times of the day to recommend a protocol for applying the mark-resight framework ...
The black line in the time series of the free-energy describes the 20-step moving average (values within the first 19 steps are calculated as averages from the initial to the current step). The red line is the average over the first 100 steps, i.e., self-produced context, or the ...
This repositary is a combination of different resources lying scattered all over the internet. The reason for making such an repositary is to combine all the valuable resources in a sequential manner, so that it helps every beginners who are in a search
a, Comparison between HelixFold-Single and the baseline methods on 1,251 protein targets with various numbers of homologous sequences (MSA depths). b, Distribution of proteins with different homologous sequences in PDB. c, Relations between MSA depths and TM-scores of HelixFold-Single. d, Rela...
Thus, with random assignment, a simple comparison of mean achievement between children in small and large classes provides an unbiased estimate of the effect of class size on achievement. We begin analyzing the STAR data by estimating the following regression equation for students in each grade ...
et al., 2015, `Comparison of mark-resight methods to estimate abundance and rabies vaccination coverage of free-roaming dogs in two urban areas of south Bhutan', Preventive Veterinary Medicine 118(4), 438-448. https://doi.org/10.1016/j. prevetmed.2015.01.008...
Considering the groups of the variables mentioned above, we could estimate the probability of suffering a syncope. For this paper, we focus only on analyzing the signs to understand how the changes are in the physiological variables and then give a description of a "standard" patient with ...
(HR 8.2; 95% CI 1.3–53.1; two-sided log-rank testpvalue = 0.02; Fig.6Ci, ii). Follow-up samples from more patients would be necessary to increase our confidence in this interesting result and to estimate with higher precision the association of post-treatment residual ctDNA with ...