a. By means of: paid in cash. b. Made with or through the medium of: a statue in bronze; a note written in German. 7. With the aim or purpose of: followed in pursuit. 8. With reference to: six inches in depth; has faith in your judgment. 9. Used to indicate the second and...
2.A ludicrous, buffoonish character in old comedies who attempts feebly to mimic the tricks of the clown. [Frenchzani, from Italian dialectalzanni, fromZanni, variant of ItalianGianni, nickname forGiovanni,John, the name of servants who act as clowns in commedia dell'arte.] ...
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“Wo Ai Ni Mommy” is an American documentary film directed by Stephanie Wang-Breal. The documentary follows the story of a then 8-year-old Chinese girl, Fang Sui Yong, who was adopted by a Jewish Long Island family. Given a new name of “Faith” by her new adoptive mother, Donna Sad...
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