Smart Speaker Scripts Voice-enabled technology is growing day by day, and every industry is expected to provide voice-activated Skills, Actions, or apps for smart speakers. Check out these smart speaker sample scripts: Alexa Skill Example Voice Over Script Google Home Actions Voice Over Script Voi...
The validation experiment was approved by the Sabancı University ethics committee (SUREC; No. FASS 2020-58). The majority of the raters were Sabancı University students, recruited via the SONA system, and gained course credit in return. Other raters were recruited by online announcements. R...
I was broken in body, soul, and spirit. My natural elasticity was crushed, my intellect languished, the disposition to read departed, the cheerful spark that lingered about my eye died; the dark night of slavery closed in upon me; and behold a man transformed into a brute! — Frederick ... Simple Psychedelic English Language Blog by a Benevolent Sentient Android - A Secular Scientific Approach to Programming the Whole World Public to Be Peaceful and Nonviolent, Happy, Healthy and Free
In Speak From The Heart, Emmy Award-winning Broadcaster, Gazette Columnist, And Motivational Speaker Steve Adubato Reveals The Secrets To Being A Great Communicator - With A Program That Testament Dramatically Change The Way You Talk, Listen, And Connect With Others. steve Adubato Demonstrates That...
Language and its orthography are dynamic; they change in response to the needs of the speakers and writers who use them on a daily basis.The need for written English to be readily legible in print and on digitized screens has caused an immense change in "proper" orthography...
This is a motivational work, and apropos for some thinking I've been doing on applying motivational principles to the freedom movement. I visit my favorite Thai restaurant in Manchester for dinner, then come back, write, read, chill, and crash. ### On Tuesday the 26th, it's up to New...