Compass MongoDB Client Best Features: Fully featured Compass GUI is completely free for everyone to use Open-source repo on GitHub Schema visualization to better understand datasets Easy approach to perform CRUD operations from the user interface ...
然后开启机器人, 跑具体的业务逻辑. 跑个一两分钟就可以停下来, 查看报告.从这张图里面可以看到某种类型的对象分配的次数, 和哪里分配的比较多. 重点找那些逻辑层里面导致的, 因为像MongoDB Client和DotNetty里面分配比较多的对象, 也没办法优化, 尤其是MongoDB Client.优化思路 最开始对C#优化没有重视Alloc这方面...
MongoDB is a high performance, open source, non-relational NoSQL database written in C++. MongoDB stores structured data as JSON-like documents with dynamic schemas (MongoDB calls the format BSON). This property helps make the integration of data in certain types of applications easier and fas...
response, err := mongoapi.RestfulAPIGetOne(collName, filter) c.JSON(http.StatusOK, response) } 着急哈简化版代码显示了NF_Management里各种服务的核心逻辑:获取MongoDB中对应的Collection Name(相当于SQL数据库里的Table),构建一个filter(相当于SQL数据库里的query),然后调用封装好的函数对数据库进行操作(在...
client libraries,用于对接 Prometheus Server, 可以查询和上报数据。 push gateway ,用于批量,短期的监控数据的汇总节点,主要用于业务数据汇报等。 各种汇报数据的 exporters ,例如汇报机器数据的 node_exporter, 汇报 MongoDB 信息的 MongoDB exporter 等等。
MongoDB is best free database options that I have come across. It is a document-oriented NoSQL database that is great for handling large amounts of data. I particularly appreciate that it is open source, which allows you to modify it as needed. In fact, during my research, I found it...
1 我们要用 mysql 5.1 来作为后端数据库并且支持 perl 模块,用 pkg 命令安装 mysql 5.1:pkg install p5-DBD-mysql51 mysql51-server mysql51-client 2 现在我们要将 mysql 服务设置为开机启动,然后为 mysql 配置 root 密码,运行以下命令来完成上述所有操作:sysrc mysql_enable=yesservice mysql-server ...
某服务器里面的字符串是密集使用的. 经常会出现String当做Dictionary的Key(这个跟MongoDB有一点关系, MongoDB的dict不能以数字当Key), 然后代码里面遍地是字符串的拼接(简单的用+来做). 如果只是做一两次实际上问题并不大, 但是很多时候是在每个玩家的Loop里面去做, 平白无故分配内存的系数多了几十倍. ...
kube5gnfvo/example/free5gcv1 |--ns | |--vnfpackage |--amf |--hss |--mongodb |--pcrf |--smf |--upf |--webui | | | | | | | Create and upload VNF packages Under kube5gnfvo/example...
MongoDB Atlas— free tier gives 512 MB— Primarily a PaaS but offers a 512 MB free tier of MySQL, PostgreSQL or MongoDB— Cloud Data Platform, offers free tier and all plans are completely free while in beta— Looks like a spreadsheet, but it's a...