Easily create a memorable pamphlet for your organization with these impressive pamphlet templates from Venngage. Use a combination of high-quality stock photos, detailed icons, unique font styles and more for a great design. Visit Venngage's library of p
Brochures & Pamphlets Brochures & PamphletsBrochures & Pamphlets Classic Trains Delaware & Hudson in the Sterzing era Brochures & Pamphlets Classic Trains Santa Fe’s Surf Line Brochures & Pamphlets Classic Trains KCS Mid-1960s Passenger Policy Brochures & Pamphlets Classic Trains Martin Blomberg ...
: Please note that if an image will be used as an account’s cover photo or profile photo and it may appear as the account’s "logo", the image is not permitted for use Prints B.1 .Printed Materials for Advertisement Purposes : Documents, brochures, pamphlets, leaflets, catalogs, pro...
Our core business is designing and creating Advertisements, Award Certificates, Banners, Brochures, Business Cards, Business Forms, Calendars, Catalogues, … ANAND SEEDS COMPANY Not rated yetThe mission of Anand Seeds Company is to supply customers with a consistent source of high quality vegetable ...
Our study of Carmel 6000 included an analysis of its PR brochures and website texts and videos as well as media interviews with its leaders and young women serving in it. 3.4. Data Analysis The considerable amount of material we collected contributed to our ability to expose and elaborate on...
Device for suspending brochures (pamphlets, booklets, folders) or the likeIn a device for suspending brochures or the like, use is made of suspension members which have a carrying pin (10) and a supplementary pin (12), which connect the spine fold (8) of the brochure to a transparent ...
doi:US5248165 AGiuseppe LanzarinUSUS5248165 * 1992年6月3日 1993年9月28日 Cartotecnica Montebello S.R.L. Safety device to hold the extractable pins used for hooking pamphlets, brochures and the like within a collecting container