Learn how medical billing and coding works in this free online medical administration course that also covers insurance. ‘Medical coding’ is the process of converting medical operations, diagnoses and treatments into alphanumeric codes. This course explains the practices of medical billing and coding...
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"Best medical transcription software, period". "Best text processing and manipulation tool for a translator. I love IntelliComplete more than a dictionary!" "Having spent a lot of time online searching for the fastest medical transcription software, IntelliComplete is the final stop of shopping for...
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook transcript Thesaurus Medical Legal Encyclopedia Wikipedia tran·script (trăn′skrĭpt′) n. 1.Something transcribed, especially a written, typewritten, or printed copy:the transcript of court testimony. ...
"Best medical transcription software, period". "Best text processing and manipulation tool for a translator. I love IntelliComplete more than a dictionary!" "Having spent a lot of time online searching for the fastest medical transcription software, IntelliComplete is the final stop of shopping for...
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Financial, Acronyms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Related to reverse transcriptase: reverse transcription, Reverse transcriptase inhibitorsreverse transcriptase n. A polymerase that catalyzes the formation of DNA on an RNA template, found in the retroviruses and in certain ...
Medical, Legal, and Office Digital Dictation and Transcription Services, Long Distance - Teletouch Transcription Services is a 24 hr, remote, automated dictation/transcription service that allows professionals to dictate anywhere, anytime, any day. We sp
3.BiologyA structure, function, or attribute of an organism, influenced by genetic, environmental, and developmental factors. 4. a.A person considered as having a specific quality or attribute:"Being a man of the world and a public character,[he]took everything as a matter of course"(George...
Medical Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to reverse transcriptase inhibitor:NNRTI,NRTI reverse transcriptase inhibitor n.Abbr.RTI Any of various antiviral compounds that interfere with the activity of the enzyme reverse transcriptase, which is found especially in retroviruses such as HIV. These compou...