These free online vocabulary courses are the perfect way for you to expand your ability in your chosen language. No matter what language you are learning to speak, having a wide and varied vocabulary can open a lot of doors for you. In this course, you'll find everything you need to qu...
These free online cleaning courses will help you see this activity with new eyes. Cleaning is the process of removing unwanted substances, such as dirt, infectious agents, and other impurities, from an object or environment. It may be a tedious chore that everyone has to do on a regular bas...
Explain how understanding medical terminology can facili... Identify some of the most commonly used presc...Read More More InfoStart Learning Certificate health Introduction to Paramedicine Studies 2 - 3 hrs12,225 learners You Will Learn How To ...
pre•scribe (prɪˈskraɪb) v. -scribed, -scrib•ing. v.t. 1. to lay down, in writing or otherwise, as a rule or a course of action to be followed; appoint, ordain, or enjoin. 2. to designate or order the use of (a medicine, treatment, etc.). v.i. 3. ...
Medical Resume Samples Medical Assistant Resume Samples Medical Billing and Coding Specialist Resume Samples Medical Doctor Resume Samples Medical Receptionist Resume Samples Medical Scribe Resume Samples Medical Surgical Nurse Resume Samples Medical Technologist Resume Samples Military Nurse Resume Samples Neonatal...
Medical Receptionist Training 2 - 3 hrs11,778 learners You Will Learn How To Define the role and responsibilities of a medical recept... List the day-to-day tasks and duties of a medical recept... Recognise the importance of confidentiality and ethical ... ...
Define important terminologies about medical ...Read More More InfoStart Learning Certificate education Phlebotomy, Venipuncture and Specimen Handling 2 - 3 hrs10,438 learners You Will Learn How To Define the scope and fundamental practices of phlebotomy... ...
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Acronyms, Wikipedia. Related to enrol: thesaurus, dictionary, Enronen·roll also en·rol (ĕn-rōl′) v. en·rolled, en·roll·ing, en·rolls also en·rols 1. To enter or register in a roll, list, or record: enrolled the child ...
Medical Idioms Related to prescribed:prescribed form pre·scribe (prĭ-skrīb′) v.pre·scribed,pre·scrib·ing,pre·scribes 1.To set down as a rule, law, or direction:prescribed the terms of the surrender. 2.To order the use of (a medicine or other treatment). ...
superscribe - write on the top or outside; "superscribe one's name and address" capitalise, capitalize - write in capital letters letter - mark letters on or mark with letters print - write as if with print; not cursive scrawl, scribble - write carelessly copy - copy down as is; "The...