We have thousands of printable math files. Topics include free worksheets for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, geometry, measurement, time, fractions, and money.
Worksheets, learning resources, and math practice sheets for teachers to print. Weekly workbooks for K-8. The homework site for teachers!
Sneak in some fun multiplication practice with this multiplication Tic Tac Toe math game for grade 3, grade 4, and grade 5 students. No need to drill and kill the math facts; instead have fun with them! My kiddos are always up for a game, and when I can sneak in some learning skills...
Some kids in fifth grade just want to plow through their work, but making math fun with creativemath gameswill help them not only have fun, but they’ll also remember what they’ve learned! Try one of these fun math printables to keep your fifth grader engaged and learning. Plus you can...
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Printable Math Flash Cards 2 3 4 5 10 Times Tables Multiplication Drill Sheets Tables 6 7 8 9Here you will find a range of free 3rd Grade Multiplication Tables Worksheets. The following sheets develop children's knowledge of their multiplication tables, and are a great way of practicing their...
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Blank Coordinate Plane Printables | Printable and Digital versions Created by Erin's Classroom Creations These free blank coordinate grids are perfect to print for student use and practice with coordinate graphing. This resource includes both the printable version of the blank grids and a link to th...
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