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Define free lunch. free lunch synonyms, free lunch pronunciation, free lunch translation, English dictionary definition of free lunch. n. Slang Something acquired without due effort or without cost. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Languag
经济学 牛津大学推荐书单 | THE UNDERCOVER ECONOMIST 《卧底经济学家》“非常棒的经济学入学书籍”Free Lunch: Easily Digestible Economics 《免费午餐:容易消化的经济学》“没有行话、混淆和冗长的从句,他的文章恰到好处”-《泰晤士报》The Accidental Theorist《致命的谎言:揭开经济世界的真相》“既能让人发笑,又...
Free Lunch Easily Digestible Economics 作者:Smith, David ISBN:9781781250112 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 + 加入购书单
An economics website, with the GLOSS*arama searchable glossary of terms and concepts, the WEB*pedia searchable encyclopedia database of terms and concepts, the ECON*world database of websites, the Free Lunch Index of economic activity, the MICRO*scope da
Define Business and economics. Business and economics synonyms, Business and economics pronunciation, Business and economics translation, English dictionary definition of Business and economics. an occupation or trade; a concern: That’s none of your bus
This free, online introductory economics text is available for anyone interested in the free market economics from an explicitly Christian worldview. This book is intended to be an engaging read, while not sacrificing technical accuracy or submission to biblical authority. Each chapter contains an ...
Is there such a thing as a free lunch? Explain. Is there such a thing as a "free" economy? Explain your answer. Economics is a term used in business. What is the fundamental problem in economics? What is a comprehensive definition of economics? What is economics and what are the ...
Watanabe. It is her lunch, scarfed from her table. And it will not be a free lunch that’s served in Europe as Mario Draghi eases and European savers watch the yield of their bonds and the value of their currency erode. There Ain’t No Such Thing as a Free Lunch There ain’t no...