LoudnessMeterFree特别之处:立体声 LUFS 显示:显示左右声道的 LUFS 值及其差异,以实现精确的立体声平衡。多目标比较:轻松将你的音频与综合、短期或瞬时 LUFS 的响度目标进行比较。它消耗很少的资源:因为它经过了很好的优化,所以这个插件几乎不消耗你的CPU,只消耗很少的RAM和HDD空间。LoudnessMeterFree提供工具提示...
SaschArt推出了一款简单好用且直观的音频插件:LoudnessMeterFree,这是一款用来分析音频信号响度(LUFS)的工具。 LoudnessMeterFree是一款辅助混音和母带处理的小工具,加载在总线上,可以在精确调整混音中某个声音元素时,了解RMS或瞬时LUFS的情况。 LoudnessMeterFree总共有四个测量指标,LUFS-I为整个歌曲的综合LUFS;LUFS-S短...
SaschArt推出了一款简单好用且直观的音频插件:LoudnessMeterFree,这是一款用来分析音频信号响度(LUFS)的工具。 LoudnessMeterFree是一款辅助混音和母带处理的小工具,加载在总线上,可以在精确调整混音中某个声音元素时,了解RMS或瞬时LUFS的情况。 LoudnessMeterFree总共有四个测量指标,LUFS-I为整个歌曲的综合LUFS;LUFS-S短...
SaschArt推出LoudnessMeterFree,这款插件专为响度(LUFS)分析而设计。该免费插件可用于Mac和Windows系统,提供用户友好的界面,以实现最佳的响度平衡和专业级音频制作。 LoudnessMeterFree插件具有一个带有五个测量条的直观界面。这些测量条用于分析每个频道并显示左右频道之间的差异,从而有助于实现最佳的立体声平衡。 该插件...
This final free plugin, Loudness Meter by Youlean, gives you the information you need about your audio levels in LUFs with neat visuals that don’t lack detail. Ultimately, Loudness Meter makes sense of the raw numbers with colors that aid you in identifying problems. Youlean Loudness Meter gi...
Peak Meter: Displays the peak audio level, helping you avoid clipping and distortion. VU Meter: Offers an analog-style representation of audio levels for gain staging. LUFS Meter: Measures loudness levels according to loudness units relative to full scale (LUFS) standards. ...
You can just resize the window but what we’re looking for here is the integrated LUFS value predominantly and we’re also looking for the true peak max. When you’re mastering your track you can throw one of these Youlean loudness meters on your reference track and then you can try and...
BFM offers Text View, which offers the most values with RMS, Peak, Peak Hold, and LUFs values available, Bar View, which offers a more traditional meter better for seeing the range of values showing RMS, Peak, and Peak Hold, Wave View, which gives you a look at your waveform after you...
Short-Term Loudness / LUFS-S (dB LUFS value over a 3 second period, averaged over entire duration) When hovering over the waveform, you’ll also be able to see momentary and short-term loudness at any given point of the file. And the best thing yet, you can even show your markers an...
FX Collection的一大亮点是Free Clip削波器,它是一个相对完整的免费削波器,可以进行最多32倍的过采样,并提供多种削波算法。此外,FX Collection还包含一个类似YouLean的Loudness Meter的电平表插件,可以测量信号的真实峰值、LUFS等等。 FX Collection包含: