If you can't afford a lawyer, but still need legal representation or even have questions about your legal rights, you can get free legal aid in your state. These legal services have lawyers who work pro bono, meaning "for the public good", or without charge. They can help you with ...
Availability of free and pro bono legal services may vary depending on your location, the nature of your legal issue, and your financial circumstances. Always conduct thorough research, and if possible, seek guidance from local legal aid organizations or pro bono legal services to determine the op...
in the USSR, an official written order to appear in court. A telegram or telephone message is equivalent to a legal summons. The summons states who is being called and in what capacity, where and before whom the person must appear, and the time of the appearance. It also indicates the ...
Featured Legal Services Providers Attorney Searches can be daunting. Discover featured lawyers with the expertise you need to win. Are you a Law Firm? Join The Legal Equals Directory Featured Suhre & Associates, LLC Ohio Henry Lasher Columbus DUI Attorneys focusing on representing those arrested for...
Volunteers of Legal Services Volunteers Of The Order Volunteers of Warwick Schools Volunteers Surf Kayak Club Volunteers Who Produce Books Volunteers' Rights Group Volunteers, Involved, Serving, Identifying, and Organizing Needs Volunteers-in-Mission ...
Ohio(6,306) Oklahoma(614) Oregon(2,215) Pennsylvania(1,855) Puerto Rico(21) Rhode Island(784) South Carolina(1,192) South Dakota(424) Tennessee(1,518) Texas(1,713) Utah(765) Vermont(695) Virginia(980) Washington(2,649) West Virginia(455) ...
RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook grantee Thesaurus Legal Financial Acronyms Wikipedia grant·ee (grăn-tē′) n.Law A person or organization that is given a grant. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright...
TheFree Stuffrecipient for January was Gabriel Sheeley, who runs an electrical engineering/embedded software meetup in Columbus, Ohio. They do do everything from soldering workshops, to tearing apart smart TVs, to automating chicken coops to keep out raccoons. Gabriel asked for aYARD Stick Oneto...
Lawyers, Legal Aid & Pro Bono Services Personal Injury Medical Malpractice,Workers' Comp... Criminal Law DUI/DWI,Traffic Tickets,White Collar... Family Law Divorce,Domestic Violence,Immigration... Business Law Bankruptcy,Employment,Securities... ...
She was president of the Western Union Aid commission, Chicago, Illinois, in 1862-'4. In 1873 she visited France, in company with her son, J. M. Tracy, artist, and remained there till 1875. After her graduation as a physician at the Homoeopathic College in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1879, ...