letting agents and property investors.It is a FREE helpline that meets a real demand and a gap in the existing market for targeted legal advice catering to landlords.
Free, independent resolution for landlords and tenants. SDS Resolve offers a service in which we will seek to broker rent repayment agreements between landlords and tenants.
Landlord Tenant Issues- Cases involving private landlords, such as eviction and termination of rental contract, illegal lockouts, failure to make repairs or provide essential services, failure to refund deposits. Housing Discrimination- When a person is denied housing based on gender, race, religion,...
First time landlord information: Pick up the important basics to owning rental property today. Learn how to become a landlord, find new tenants and avoid costly mistakes with these new landlord advice. Tenant Screening Most property managers and landlords agree on one thing: A good tenant is the...
Sidebar:As landlords we have had no problems in ten years (touch wood) with tenants. We screen tenants thoroughly before accepting them and when in doubt, we would rather have a vacancy. There are many legal reasons to reject an applicant such as incomplete/wrong information or information tha...
Professionals of Just Cause Advocacy provide our clients with effective legal guidance to preserve their rights and interests. RSLA Matters: Another legal case that many landlords and tenants may be dealing with is aboutRSLA matters. According to this rule, both parties should completely understand ...
Professionals of Just Cause Advocacy provide our clients with effective legal guidance to preserve their rights and interests. RSLA Matters: Another legal case that many landlords and tenants may be dealing with is aboutRSLA matters. According to this rule, both parties should completely understand ...
(redirected fromLandlords) Thesaurus Legal Financial Encyclopedia land·lord (lănd′lôrd′) n. 1.One that owns and rents land, buildings, or dwelling units. 2.A man who runs a rooming house or an inn; an innkeeper. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition....
Legal Financial Encyclopedia </>embed</> hotel-keeper hotelier hostess host inkeeper inkeeper landholder lessor freeholder proprietor landowner owner owner landlady noun Synonyms for landlady Collins WordNet nounowner Synonyms owner landowner proprietor ...
Do You Qualify for This Lesser-Known Affordable Housing Program in NYC? How Migrants Can Access Shelter in NYC as “New Arrivals” Evictions, Apartment Repairs, Rental Application: How to Deal with NYC Landlords Section 8 Voucher Waitlist: Apply For Subsidized Housing and Rent in NYC ...