To restrain with or as if with a leash. [Middle Englishlees, lesh, from Old Frenchlaisse, fromlaissier,to let go; seelease.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin...
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need, you could use a traditional taxi service or innovative on-demand mobility services likeUberorlyft. For seniors, checkRidesinSightoriTNAmerica. On a regular basis, you might consider arranging for carpooling (See Share Rides section inMobility Sharing) or own a bicycle or belong to a ...
“Your alternatives are a taxi -- that costs money; parking -- that costs money; or have your wife take you to the airport -- that has its own costs,” said Jim Meyer, co-founder of the latest car-sharing service called Hubber. Starting May 28, travelers can drop off their car at ...
Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1. car rental- a rented car; "she picked up a hire car at the airport and drove to her hotel" hire car,rent-a-car,self-drive,u-drive,you-drive lease,letting,rental- property that is leased or rented out or let ...
To counter a purchase, car leasing is also available. Instead of paying for ownership of the vehicle, you pay to drive it for an agreed upon length of time. When you finish the time on the contract, you can walk away or lease a different car. This brings along its own set of cha...
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a chance to see how our streets can be used when the motor car is banished. If you'd like to put your own street forward for the event, then talk to your neighbours and follow the instructions on theLondon Play website. They'll even provide free space hoppers and other play equipment...
Preparing taxes on your own can be complicated, especially with ever-changing tax laws. Getting help from an expert can make it easier to file your return on time and ensure you're maximizing your tax benefits. But you don’t always need to pay for tax help. Several federal programs, loc...