(/home/usertest1/.bash_history)。系统中以“.”开头的文件是隐藏文件,大多数为系统服务文件。 格式: history [选项] [参数] 参数: Num: 显示历史记录中最近的N个记录;history10-c:清空当前历史命令;-a:将历史命令缓冲区中命令写入历史命令文件中;-r:将历史命令文件中的命令读入当前历史命令缓冲区;-w:将当...
如果在这段时间内,客户端和服务器之间没有进一步的通信,连接将被关闭。 keepalive_timeout 120; Token统计 由于推理侧不在kimi-free-api,因此token不可统计,将以固定数字返回!!! Star HistoryAbout 🚀 KIMI AI 长文本大模型逆向API【特长:长文本解读整理】,支持高速流式输出、智能体对话、联网搜索、探索版、K1...
{// 模型名称随意填写,如果不希望输出检索过程模型名称请包含silent_search"model":"spark","messages": [ {"role":"user","content": [ {"type":"file","file_url": {"url":"https://mj101-1317487292.cos.ap-shanghai.myqcloud.com/ai/test.pdf"} }, {"type":"text","text":"文档里说了什...
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Within the last hundred years, many individual studies of English place-names, and the ongoing work of the English Place-Name Survey, have succeeded in establishing the toponymic corpus of England as a valuable resource for the early history of the English language. Place-names and the Scots ...
How to Check a Domain’s History Before Buying it How to Do Bulk Domain Name Search Registration 8 Best Domain Name and IT Tools These posts will help your search for the perfect domain name for your business and learn about the history of the domain before you purchase it. The last one...
2.2. 设置hostname 首先,服务器的主机名需要与FreeIPA的完全限定域名(FQDN)匹配才能正常工作。我们将在本教程中将cdswdemo-1.vpc.cloudera.com用作FQDN。 主机名很关键,如果与已被使用的一致,则等下配置IPA时会产生错误 您可以在创建服务器时设置主机名,也可以在创建服务器后从命令行设置主机名,使用hostname命令:...
But the extraordinarily expansive and interconnected nature of Google’s search and ad tech processes has few precedents in the history of the American economy. The Implications for Journalism. The question for this hearing, of course, is the impact of all this on journalism...
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