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Posted onJanuary 17, 2025byjournalofcontemporaryasia After a long delay, the 2024 prize-winning articles are now available for free download: Best paper: Szu-Yun Hsu (Department of Political Science, McMaster University, Canada) for the article “Populism in Taiwan: Rethinking the Neo-liberalism–...
The scientific journal has been criticized since the 1930’s as a source of information. Various proposals for replacing it with other means of disseminating information have been made, but none has been implemented, mainly because the function of a scientific journal is not only the dissemination...
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[Journal Article] War Soc. 2025; 44(1):172-177.De Lauri AWS When linked to the context of war, fun can be understood as an expression of both direct and indirect communication, a manner of public engagement as well as a 'ritual of inversion' in which the proprieties of structure (the...
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