Active play at W2 and W3 were negatively correlated with being female (rs = -0.12 to -0.14, P< 0.01), but not with child age (rs = -0.03–0.03, P > 0.05). 4.2. Self-regulation Descriptive statistics for the variables included in each of the regression models are provided in Table ...
Bad Ass Babes is the ultimate female empowerment fantasy. The colorful, well rounded cast of butt kicking women present themselves as the role models the fairer (and better!) sex demands be represented in video games. They're rude, nude, and full of 'tude! By “nude” I mean “body pos...
Once inside a new mechanic is introduced where you can manipulate parts of the beasts from your map, and you use that to solve puzzles and access out of reach terminals needed to take control of the beasts. These “dungeons” are as spacious and complex as the game ever gets, but they'...