I'm getting a free(): invalid next size (fast) error in my implementation. I'm using ros2-web-bridge to interface a web page with my ROS2 backend, where the web page subscribes to about 10 topics. The fastest topics are published at 10Hz...
free(): invalid next size (fast) corrupted double-linked list Aborted malloc(): unaligned tcache chunk detected segmentation fault corrupted size vs. prev_size double free or corruption (out) malloc_consolidate(): invalid chunk size free(): double free detected in tcache 2 (when replacing all...
int)); int * p = (int * ) malloc (4); char * cp = (char * ) malloc (4 * size...
These may be related to the MPU configuration if the devices support Cache. The configuration for MPU regions need to be type of NORMAL_OIWTNOWA_NONSHARED (Cache Write-Through). If using HalCoGen FreeRTOS, the MPU settings for the first 4 regions are grayed out and not configurable. They w...
When the size of those tables are big enough, and you have a higher traffic than usual (they just published a very important information that’s of interest to a lot of people) – then suddenly these seemingly innocent queries were able to bring down a 36-core server to its knees. Anywa...
then the send operation is aborted. The maximum allowable send block time is capped to the value set by ipconfigMAX_SEND_BLOCK_TIME_TICKS. Capping the maximum allowable send block time prevents prevents a deadlock occurring when all the network buffers are in use and the tasks that process ...
Fixed: Email was not sent if profile aborted and using compressed log Fixed: Fix issues with maximized windows when non-standard DPI Fixed (Pro): Filenames with special characters would be re-uploaded to PCloud on every run if versioning enabled ...
xblockwasaborted xbufferlength xburtcinitstruct xbytesreceived xbytessent xbytestorecv xc xcb xcdcusart xcerthandle xcertificatelength xcertificateownershiptokenlength xchecktaskbuffer xchecktaskstack xchecktimer xclass xcleansession xclearbits xclientaddresslength xclientlength ...
An invalid character was found in the mail header: '@'. An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue was full. An Unable to write data to the transport connectionestablished connection was aborted by the software in you...
*** Error in `/usr/bin/python': free(): invalid next size (normal): 0x0000000007be04c0 *** === Backtrace: === /lib64/libc.so.6(+0x7afc6)[0x7faf8ea6bfc6] /lib64/libc.so.6(+0x7bd43)[0x7faf8ea6cd43] /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/obspy-0.9.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64....