Free insulin; antibody-bound insulin; C-peptide; glucose; lactate; alanine; free fatty acids; antibody characteristics Abstract. In two groups of juvenile onset diabetics similar in age, weight, diet and daily insulin dosage (eight without C-peptide, group I; eight with C-peptide, group II) ...
Free insulin profiles in insulin-dependent diabetics treated with one or two insulin injections per day.doi:10.1111/j.0954-6820.1986.tb02741.xP. O. OlssonH. ArnqvistH. SchenckBlackwell Publishing Ltd
Free and bound insulin concentrations, blood glucose and anti-insulin antibody binding characteristics have been determined in 100 insulin treated diabetics; median serum free insulin was 11 mU/l when fasting and rose to 30 mU/l after the mid-day meal. Significant correlation between blood glucose...
Serum Levels of Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF) and IGF Binding Protein in Insulin-Dependent Diabetics during an Episode of Severe Metabolic Decompensatio... A routine method is described for the determination of total IRI (imraunoreactive insulin) in insulintreated diabetics. The method involves...
Immunoassay - Is there a future role for nuclear medicine? Yalow, and co-workers presented studies (/), later published in greater detail (2), describing the discovery of insulin-binding globulin in the blood of insulin-treated diabetics. "The recognition that the binding of labeled insulin is...
Considering that you’ll likely be monitoring your blood sugar levels for the rest of your life, I’d make glucose monitoring as convenient as possible while reducing the risk of forgetting to scan the sensor every few hours. Another consideration is whether or not you use an insulin pump. ...
Global InsuJet page - Learn more about the InsuJet needle-free injection device and accessories for insulin therapy for diabetics
Change of insulin dosage, circulating free and bound insulin and insulin antibodies on transferring diabetics from conventional to highly purified porcine ... Goldie.Change of insulin dosage, circulating free and bound insulin and insulin antibodies on transferring diabetics from conventional to highly ...
Insulin-dependent Diabetes Insulin-dependent diabetes (Type I), also called juvenile-onset diabetes, is the more serious form of the disease; about 10% of diabetics have this form. It is caused by destruction of pancreatic cells that make insulin and usually develops before age 30. Type I dia...
their serum CPR was attributed to PLC-insulin antibody complexes, and this may be responsible for the higher CPR levels of these cases.Determination of free CPR may provide more accurate index to evaluate the endogenous insulin responses to various stimuli in some of the insulin-treated diabetics....