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Image of A Yawing Siamese Cat. This free stock photo is also about: Cat, Nap, Home, Yawn, Sleep, Tired, and Animal.
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To hoist an anchor to (the cathead). v.intr.Slang To look for sexual partners; have an affair or affairs:"catting around with every lady in sight"(Gore Vidal). Idiom: let the cat out of the bag To let a secret be known.
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Image of Green Cat Eyes. This free stock photo is also about: Cat, Pet, Animal, and Animals API.
1.the study of images. 2.iconography.— iconologist,n.— iconological,adj. iconomachy opposition to icons or other forms of sacred imagery. iconomania a mania for icons. phantasm the mental image or representation of a real person or thing. See alsoghosts;perception. ...