Do you or your loved one require assistance with any of the following activities? (Check all that apply)DrivingWalkingLaundryErrandsMeal Prep.MedicationBathingOther Do you or your loved one need a caregive for a medical condition? ALSAlzhiemer's / DementiaDiabeticDisabledCancer / TreatmentsChronicall...
Zip Code Where Care is Needed* How can Home Helpers be of assistance? I am seeking care for someone else I am seeking care for someone else SMS Consent Yes I agree to participate in our SMS texting program and agree to itsterms and conditions. By agreeing to the terms and conditions, ...
My family has been acquainted with CareFree Home Health & Companions since about 2008. First for my brother, who has needed physical assistance due to injuries from a car accident as a young man, and later for my mom (79), who had a stroke in 2013. We have found CareFree to be a ve...
(redirected from home maintenance assistance)Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical. assistance help; aid; support: Can I be of some assistance? Not to be confused with: assistants –people who give help and support; aides: My assistants will help you with that. Abused, Confused, & Misused ...
Personalized Attention:Every individual has unique needs. We provide tailored home care assistance to ensure your loved one gets what they need. Whether it is dementia care or senior home care, we will help. Competitive Pricing:We know that you want fair pricing for quality care. When you work...
aid, assist, help - give help or assistance; be of service; "Everyone helped out during the earthquake"; "Can you help me carry this table?"; "She never helps around the house" encourage, promote, further, boost, advance - contribute to the progress or growth of; "I am promoting the...
Further, any employee or representative of the Service Provider performing services under this Contract is licensed in the state of as a Certified Nursing Assistance and is current on all training and certifications. 4. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES. The Service Provider shall provide a Cert...
nursing home A building or part thereof used for the lodging, boarding, and nursing care, on a 24-hr basis, of four or more persons who, because of mental or physical incapacity, may be unable to provide for their own needs and safety without the assistance of another person; provides fa...
We sent recruitment text messages to maternal caregivers involved in the government assistance program. Interested mothers either contacted or shared their contact information with the research team (either via Qualtrics or to the graduate research assistant doing in-person recruitment, depending on the ...
Define resources. resources synonyms, resources pronunciation, resources translation, English dictionary definition of resources. n. 1. Something that is available for use or that can be used for support or help: The local library is a valuable resource.