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foliage,leaf,leafage- the main organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in higher plants squamule- a minute scale 5.scale- a thin flake of dead epidermis shed from the surface of the skin exfoliation,scurf chip,fleck,scrap,bit,flake- a small fragment of something broken off from the whole;...
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A classification of chemical reactions, in which the order is described as first, second, third, or higher, according to the number of molecules (one, two, three, or more) which appear to enter into the reaction; decomposition of H2O2 to form water and oxygen is a first-order reaction. ...
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Uninstall an App from Your Fire Tablet (FireOS 7 and higher) You can also delete the App from your Amazon Account using a web browser; go to Your Account > Apps and More (these links are for a UK account, change the URL to suit your country
The poem “Books” in unit eight of NCERT books for class 4 English is about various types of books in a library. It starts with a library door inviting us to come in and read different books. There are skinny and tall books that belong to the higher shelves. Whereas, the fat and li...