If you’re new to homeschooling you might wonder if you can find free homeschool curriculum options. In fact, you may even ask, “Can I Afford to Homeschool?” or “How much will it cost?” Indeed, for those homeschool families who are experienced, you’d probably answer, “It’s ...
Learners also have access to a formal transcript from Stanford, listing all the training they’ve completed. And if you work in healthcare, you can earn continuing medical education credit (CME credit) via the platform. Here are some of Stanford free certificate offerings: Podcasts: The Stanford...
Variety is the spice of life, and this is especially true when it comes to homeschooling. Shake things up a little this month. Put away the curriculum you’ve been using all winter long, and try a week-long unit study. Your family will love it and you will too!
Random forest is an ensemble-supervised, machine-learning algorithm for classification and regression tasks116suitable for high-dimensional data117,118. Unlike other methods, random forests are robust enough to feature transformation and parameter tuning while being computationally efficient119. Random forests...
“When I say radical, I mean we really are turning upside down almost every accepted piece of how we do high school right now. There’ll be relatively limited synchronous learning, essentially no cases where there’s a teacher up in front of 30 students lecturing. The students will have a...
Listen more than once, and only look at the written version once you’ve exhausted your listening ability. When you have exhausted your reading ability, look at the transcript if you must, but you’d be better off switching to a resource you don’t need to use the transc...
“Methods”: measurement of the device sensitivity). For these experiments, we stained cell nuclei rather than cell membranes or cytoplasm to provide better visual distinction between cells and facilitate more accurate enumeration of cells within clusters. Additionally, the imaging speed was set high ...
Using a framework approach for the analysis, AW also summarised the data pertaining to each code within each transcript, and input this information into a matrix where columns corresponded to codes and rows corresponded to each FGD [53]. Where participants gave similar responses, these were aggrega...
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