Free hamradio callbook with very fast XML access for logging programs, recent activity, logsearch, condx prediction, multilanguage support etc.
Free hamradio callbook with very fast XML access for logging programs, recent activity, logsearch, condx prediction, multilanguage support etc.
Features of Ham Radio Deluxe An incredible radio software suite Integrates exciting DXer, a DXCC fan, and casual DXing Functions as a real keeper along with automated logging Includes solar weather tracking and grey line maps Uploads QSOs to the Logbook of the World (LOTW) Integrates automatic...
$100 is too much to pay, people would probably go for it if it were maybe $30 bucks. and they would have lots of $30 bucks made until they release the next version. In addition to that I believe that many companies are taking advantage of amateur radio operators because it...
Radio Bargains on ebay Latest Citizens Band Radio Bargains on ebay! DX Division Country Prefix Numbers CB Radio DXCC 11 Metre Band DX Division Country Prefix Numbers List 11m 27MHz CB QSO DX Logbook ENTRY – NO LOGIN! BIG Advantage of using this Secure CB DX Logbook System is your CB ...
Pilot Logbook System Aircraft System Reviews Instrument Approach Charts for Flight Simulator Use EASA (JAA) ATPL/CPL/IR Theory Exam Prep Transport Canada PSTAR/Private/INRAT Theory Exam Prep UK CAA PPL/IMC Theory Exam Prep Aircraft Type Recognition Tutor/Game ...
An awateur radio station with a computerized logbook () may look at data in other ham radio operators' logbooks () by submtting a request (). The request travels over a data paths to all other stations (). Any stations having records matching the reqest sends the log records matching ...