Guest speakers, Andrew Ng (Co-founder and Chairman of Coursera) and Hayden Brown (CEO of [...] Navigating Generative AI for Leaders Specialization Generative AI CEO AI Artificial Intelligence Coursera Plus View more details Mar 3rd 2025 Course Auditing Coursera Coursera Instructor Network ...
Of course, “intermediate” covers a broad range of learners, from those who have just graduated from the beginner level to those who are almost ready for authentic content produced for native speakers. This means that the resources I recommend here often contain a mix of levels...
Includes guest speakers Lawrence Krauss and Brian Cox Is suitable for those seeking deeper knowledge beyond popular media Requires high-school level math and physics understanding. This is one of four courses that make up ANUx’s first-year astrophysics program (Astrophysics XSeries on edX), that ...
MLB Sort options Sort byStart Date AscStart Date DescUpdated Date AscUpdated Date DescTitle AscTitle Desc Course Title Contains Initiative/Provider University/Entity Categories Subjects/Skills Course Length Start Date Moneyball and Beyond (Coursera) ...
1.In a high degree; extremely:very happy; very much admired. 2.Truly; absolutely:the very best advice; attended the very same schools. 3.VeryUsed in titles:the Very Reverend Jane Smith. adj.ver·i·er,ver·i·est 1.Complete; absolute:at the very end of his career. ...
This app helps you practice your target language through interactions with native speakers, allowing for text, voice recordings, video calls, and live chat rooms. Duolingo App store: 4.6 | Google play: 4.7 If you want to learn a new language, you can use Duolingo. This app uses interactive...
Houzz is the new way to design your home. Browse 25 million interior design photos, home decor, decorating ideas and home professionals online.
In recent years, the foundational values of free speech and open inquiry have increasingly come under assault at the nation's colleges and universities. Every week, it seems, there is a story concerning campus speech codes being imposed, speakers being silenced, or faculty members being assailed...
personalized feedback from course leaders, insights from guest speakers, mentorship, career coaching, and much more. At the conclusion of the course, you’ll get the opportunity to create a capstone network development project that will help you improve your resume and job profile for better ...
Our goal is to create a network that meaningfully engages alumni, and which also provides support for current students through mentoring, career/college connections, internships, guest speakers, and other beneficial connections. Please complete our Network Database form in order to be included in the...