U.S. Department of Education Grants.TheU.S. Department of Education(DOE) has various grants available to small businesses in the education sector. Each grant has unique eligibility criteria, with some opportunities set aside for public schools, state agencies, or nonprofit organizations; however, o...
Black women are starting businesses at a remarkable rate in all industries but remain underfunded. While women sometimes apply for personal or business loans for venture capital, there are a number of grants and contests that will help fund the abundance of entrepreneurial dreams springing forth ...
Free Grants Community: Win your part of the billions of dollars awarded in grants, aid, assistance and scholarships every year. Our free information
You can find small-business grants at government agencies, state organizations and private corporations. Here are a few good places to start your search.
Government Grants Programs Everyday the Federal Government gives grants to businesses ranging from large corporate bail out’s to helping average people start their own small business. They also give grant money to students, men, women, children and minorities to go to attend private schools and ...
Amazon Business is marking Small Business Month with grants and the launch of an educational resource center for small businesses.(John Keeble/Getty Images / Getty Images) Amazon Business' small business success studio also offers tutorials on applying for small business loans, how to optimize a...
Patent and Trademark Office Database,Patent Office- the government bureau in the Department of Commerce that keeps a record of patents and trademarks and grants new ones Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
Unlike small-business loans, these grants provide free access to capital that doesn’t need to be repaid. However, finding and qualifying for a nonprofit grant can be difficult. You’ll likely face strong competition from other organizations and have to complete time-consuming applications. Plus,...
Small-Business Grants: Where to... Minority Grants for Opening a Daycare... Advantages & Disadvantages of Government... Government Grants for Dog Kennels Grants for Hispanic Women Starting... Grants for Starting a Horse Business Grants for a Woman Over 50 for... Nestle Purina Grants...
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