As you know, trying to get money through a conventional bank, can be very time consuming and requires good credit plus a lot of paperwork, only to find out that you've been denied. These Private and Government Funding Programs don't have to operate under the same stringent requirements that...
Access to thousands of government grant programs providing assistance for home buying and ownership, home repair, small businesses, home improvement, land purchase, site preparation for housing, health, assistance and services for the unemployed, job training, federal employment, education, and much, m...
These Private and Government Grant Programs don’t have to operate under the same stringent requirements that banks do. You decide how much money you need, as long as it’s a lawful amount and meets with their criteria and guidelines, the money is yours to keep and never has to be repaid...
Access to thousands of government grant programs providing assistance for home buying and ownership, home repair, small businesses, home improvement, land purchase, site preparation for housing, health, assistance and services for the unemployed, job training, federal employment, education, and much, m...
Government Grants In recent years, the number of people classified as disabled has risen dramatically, as have Workers Compensation and SSDI benefit payments. While government programs help, most disabled people need more than what the Social Security Disability program provides. In response to the ne...
Who is Eligible for a National Federal Grant? Those eligible to receive government grants fall into several categories: Government Organizations State, local, city, township, special districts and Native American tribal governments. Educational Organizations ...
"The U.S. Grants Guide To Free Government Grants" You will have Instant Access to: Access to over 1,453 Federal Government Grant Programs. Access to over 31,089 Private Foundation Grant Programs. Access to State Government Grant Programs in each of the 50 States ...
The federal government does not provide grants to individuals, but several programs can morph into free HVAC systems for qualifying families.
Grant assistance programs are only available to US customers Autofill with LinkedIn First name* Last name* Email address* Company* Business phone* Industry* Industry *EducationFire and emergency medical servicesHealthcareHospitality and retailManufacturingMining, oil and asNational government securityPolicePu...
The National School Lunch Program, or the School Breakfast Program, which includes USDA Community Eligibility Provision programs. The Federal Pell Grant program. Get Connected with TruConnect in California TruConnect has a special California LifeLine plan for its California customers. If you participate...