除了上面提到的phpmyadmin和ftp之类的web页面的简单控制之外,你当然少不了最终极的远程控制能力:ssh2。我是菜鸟,就不班门弄斧吹嘘这东西的好处了。总之,这东西是非常安全的、可以远程连接到你的server的手段。 我前面都没有提到ssh,而实际上,自打上面的第三步第1小步完成了操作系统的初始安装之后,我们就可以使用ss...
"FTP" stands for File Transfer Protocol. Simply put, it is a way to copy files to and from FTP servers elsewhere on a network. And it's the most common method for downloading files onto your computer (and uploading files to Web sites). ...
This free, secure FTP client gives you a fast, easy, reliable way to update and maintain your website via FTP. It also provides a secure method (via SSL, TLS, FTPS, HTTPS, or SFTP) to upload / download files to and from FTP servers. Check out the list of features and you'll find...
ssr://NDUuMTMwLjE0Ni4xNDU6MjE4OTpvcmlnaW46cmM0OnBsYWluOmJHNWpiaTV2Y21jZ05XZy8_b2Jmc3BhcmFtPSZwcm90b3BhcmFtPSZyZW1hcmtzPTVMLUU1NzJYNXBhdjVwYXc2S1dfNUx5djVZaXA1THFhU25WemRFaHZjM1F4TkRVdU4wVSZncm91cD1aMmwwYUhWaUxtTnZiUzltY21WbFpuRQ v2ray vmess://eyJhZGQiOiAiMTMuMjQ4LjE2NC4xODA...
ServerBeep.com is a free server and website monitoring service. We check your website or your service every 10 minutes. You can register an account, add your website or services like FTP or POP3 and if something goes wrong you will get an email notification. Simple, ready to use, reliab...
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is as its name suggests a file transferring protocol between two computers, a local computer, and a remote server. FTP servers is a web server that runs on web-servers and uses FTP protocol at the server side to manage file transfers, connections, & users. Som...
Monsta FTP is a free-to-use lightweight file manager supporting FTP/SFTP/SCP you can install on your server to manage your files through any browser.
Whiz FTP 4.9 Free Efficient and User-Friendly FTP Tool: Whiz FTP Navis FTP 4 Free Navis FTP: Free Windows FTP Client pCloud 4.2 Free pCloud: Free Windows FTP Client Chatex 5 Free Client-server all in one chat program Web Publisher ...
AWStats - Generate statistics from web, streaming, ftp or mail server logfiles. (Demo, Source Code) GPL-3.0 Perl Countly Community Edition - Real time mobile and web analytics, crash reporting and push notifications platform. (Source Code) AGPL-3.0 Nodejs/Docker Druid - Distributed, column-orie...
Easy-to-use FTP server and client software using FTPS, SFTP, web & mobile for secure transfer and large file sharing on Windows & Linux. Download today!