Define froggery. froggery synonyms, froggery pronunciation, froggery translation, English dictionary definition of froggery. n , pl -ries 1. a collection of frogs 2. a place where frogs are kept Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th
2.Also calledtrue frog,ranid.any frog of the widespread family Ranidae, which are mostly semiaquatic and have smooth, moist skin and long hind legs used for leaping. 3.a slight hoarseness, usu. caused by mucus on the vocal cords:a frog in the throat. ...
For the budding strategist, aFrogger-likeiPad game has also emerged amongst the iOS lovers- this another one oftop free ipad appsin gaming genre features a frog who is forbidden to fall into the water or else he loses a life, and can only survive by jumping from Lilyan to lily-pad whil...
froggery frogging froggy froghopper froglet froglike frogman frogmarch frog-march frogmouth frog's lettuce frog's-bit Frogs-bit frog's-bit family Frogshell frogspawn Frohlich's syndrome froideur froise Froissart Froissart Jean frolic Frolicful frolicky Frolicly frolics frolicsome frolicsomeness from...
Define froghoppers. froghoppers synonyms, froghoppers pronunciation, froghoppers translation, English dictionary definition of froghoppers. n. Any of various plant-feeding insects of the superfamily Cercopoidea, having adults with long legs used for leap
Define frogspawn. frogspawn synonyms, frogspawn pronunciation, frogspawn translation, English dictionary definition of frogspawn. n a mass of fertilized frogs' eggs or developing tadpoles, each egg being surrounded by a protective nutrient jelly Collins
Define froghopper. froghopper synonyms, froghopper pronunciation, froghopper translation, English dictionary definition of froghopper. n. Any of various plant-feeding insects of the superfamily Cercopoidea, having adults with long legs used for leaping a
Define frogfish. frogfish synonyms, frogfish pronunciation, frogfish translation, English dictionary definition of frogfish. n. pl. frogfish or frog·fish·es Any of various bottom-dwelling fishes of the family Antennariidae, characteristically having a
Define frogman. frogman synonyms, frogman pronunciation, frogman translation, English dictionary definition of frogman. n. A swimmer provided with breathing apparatus and other equipment to execute underwater maneuvers, especially military maneuvers. Ame
Define frogmouth. frogmouth synonyms, frogmouth pronunciation, frogmouth translation, English dictionary definition of frogmouth. n. Any of various brown or gray nocturnal birds of the family Podargidae of Southeast Asia and Australia, having a wide mout