Number fonts is a style that is dedicated to just the number letters. These letters may be roman numerals or old-style figures with varying heights. This is not a complete collection, many other fonts on FontSpace have fancy numbers in the number digit
Similar free fonts and alternative for Numbers Style One-Dia - The Genius and Galactic Things, Such a Weather Normal, YALUVOSKI, Hoironedymious Bloschindian,
I've been meaning to write this post but just haven't had the time to do so. I've received several messages and emails asking me about fonts that I use on some of my design projects. I have a pretty large font collection. Some of them are paid, but a lot
What Font Is UPGRADE PRO support Fonts Similar Fonts Webfont Generator Examples Login or Sign Up SET CUSTOM TEXT 40% 200% 60% What fonts are similar to Numbers Style One-Circle Positive? 100 Free fonts alternatives to Numbers Style One-Circle Positive...
The free Soulmarker handwriting font is a playful yet solid marker style of handwriting. The font is in uppercase and lowercase, with numbers, unique characters, and a few symbols included. Calligraphy Fonts Quigley Wiggly Inspired by an intriguing font seen on a toothpick wrapper, Quigley Wiggly...
Fonts Kristi Medium | 213 Glyphs Font Information Downloads:406,337 Uploaded on:May 18, 2011 Designed by:Birgit Pulk Classification:Handdrawn Tags:Cute,Elegant,Handwritten Languages:Show Language Support Font Lists Find Fonts About Font Squirrel...
numbers; four formats such as TTF, OTF, SVG, and WOFF. It looks exceptionally good in a big size and shiny neon coloring. CROISSANT Croissant by Eduardo Tunniis a Google Web Font that is reinforced by wonderful finishing nuances and curls. As a result, you can grab a font with an exqui...
Simplifica is a fine, simple and clear font, designed byKAIWA. It is a slightly condensed sans-serif typeface featured by a uniform and thin line width, comes with a full set of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, signs and punctuation. Its high positioned capsheight and ascender favours ...
London is a free typeface designed by Antonio Rodrigues. The font comes in upper case, lower case, numbers and special characters. 64.V.GER Grotesque V.GER Grotesque is a dispaly typeface that comes in bold, italic and light. 65.Glamor ...
With Latin characters, numbers, and punctuation support, as well as alternates and ligatures for text variety, Halloween Plaque comes in regular and bold versions. Embrace the holiday spirit with this font, bringing charm and elegance to your PowerPoint designs. Give Halloween Plaque a try for a...