1.a condition in which the heart is unable to pump an adequate amount of blood to the tissues, usually resulting in breathlessness, swollen ankles, etc. 2.sudden and permanent cessation of the heartbeat, resulting in death Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers ...
FLUID: 1000 cc of crystalloid, 1 unit of packed RBCs. ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: 1000. URINE OUTPUT: 800. INDICATION FOR PROCEDURE: The patient is a 30-year-old, who approximately 8 weeks postpartum was seen on 07/11/20XX with continued postpartum bleeding. Ultrasound demonstrated a 2 cm hyper...
may work against the surrounding fluid forming large bubbles.The only plausible respirocyte explosion scenario is dental grinding.A patient with an oral lesion could spread respirocyte-impregnated blood over the teeth can explode thousand of respirocytes at once producing a "fizziness" in the mouth...
5967986Endoluminal implant with fluid flow sensing capability1999-10-19Cimochowski et al.600/454 5949659Galvanically isolated transmission of power and information to an electronic unit1999-09-07Lesche363/16 5944710Electroporation-mediated intravascular delivery1999-08-31Dev et al. ...