Wikipedia fire·fly (fīr′flī′) n. Any of various nocturnal beetles of the family Lampyridae, characteristically having bioluminescent organs in the tip of the abdomen that produce a flashing light. Also calledlightning bug. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition....
Wikipedia fire·storm (fīr′stôrm′) n. 1.A fire of great size and intensity that generates and is fed by strong inrushing winds from all sides:the firestorm that leveled Hiroshima after the atomic blast. 2.An intense or violent response:"The discovery that your child has a learning di...
a small fire flared up in a dustbin on the 8th floor and quickly spread. Tragically, a number of doors had been locked by management to prevent theft, and fire truck ladders only reached the 6th floor. Dozens of workers jumped to their deaths to escape the conflagration, while others burne...
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Wikipedia Related to FiRE:Firefox Category filter: AcronymDefinition FiREFinancial Reporting FiREFinance, Insurance and Real Estate(banks, credit agencies, investment companies, brokers and dealers of securities and commodities, security and commodity exchanges, insurance agents, buyers, sellers, lessors, ...
Synonyms for fire in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for fire. 265 synonyms for fire: flames, blaze, combustion, inferno, conflagration, holocaust, heater, radiator, convector, passion, force, light, energy, heat, spirit. What are synonyms for fire?
To exacerbate an already inflammable situation, or to revive a flagging situation. The fact that wind stirs up a fire has, of course, been known since ancient times, but the precise metaphor here, with its alliterative lilt, is considerably newer. Dickens used it inThe Old Curiosity Shop(1840...
(redirected fromfirefighter) Dictionary Thesaurus Financial Encyclopedia Wikipedia AcronymDefinition FFFirefox(open source Mozilla-based browser) FFFast Forward FFForm Feed FFAnd the Following Pages FFFollowing FFFinal Fantasy(game) FFFinal Fantasy
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This day is observed annually on March 21, the anniversary of the day in 1960 when, at a peaceful demonstration against theapartheid"pass laws" in Sharpeville, South Africa, policeopened fireand killed 69 black South Africans. Observation of this day was initiated by the United Nations General...