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Although it is recommended that pretest counsel- ing include the possibility of detecting maternal genomic imbalances,4,5 in practice this seldom occurs. In fact, in a 2015 review of consent forms from commercial providers of prenatal DNA sequencing, only a few were found to mention the chance ...
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The DD would be the only increase needed that would be needed since this is not currently ordered as part of any antenatal screening, if this were to be eventually implemented into clinical practice. For PE prophylaxis initiated, women with the high-risk factors for PE should receive low-dose...
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Good manufacturing practice-grade production of unrestricted somatic stem cell from fresh cord blood The discovery of unrestricted somatic stem cells (USSC), a non-hematopoietic stem cell population, brought cord blood (CB) to the attention of regenerative... M Aktas,A Buchheiser,A Houben,... ...