1.(Plants) a dense slow-growing evergreen tree or shrub of the genusBuxus, espB. sempervirens, which has small shiny leaves and is used for hedges, borders, and garden mazes: familyBuxaceae 2.(Plants) the wood of this tree. Seeboxwood1 ...
Nevada roughly translates to ‘snow-covered‘ as its name derives from the Spanish word ‘nieve,’ which stands for snow. The term refers to the famousSierra Nevada Mountain Range, known for its high-altitude evergreen trees, clear mountain lakes, and many hiking trails. Other than these, Ne...
The mountain chickadee loves the evergreen forest and mountain trails, flitting through nature, adoring the trees, knowing freedom in the sky. Just as I do. When hovering over the pines, high above the mountains in the West, she’s not easy to see. She calls out, scolding almost, with ...
When the pizza delivery man arrives, do not accept the pizza. The delivery man will eventually leave the pizza on the front porch, and it will never get stale. You can stack as many pizzas there as you want. If your Sims get hungry, just tell them to get a pizza from the front ...
) A beautiful evergreen shrub of the Dogbane family, having clusters of fragrant red or white flowers. It is native of the East Indies, but the red variety has become common in the south of Europe. Called also rosebay, rose laurel, and South-sea rose. Oleandrine (n.) One of several...