a.A tentative evaluation or rough calculation, as of worth, quantity, or size:an estimate of the damage caused by the storm. b.A statement of the approximate cost of work to be done, such as a building project or car repairs.
Car insurance calculators that ask you to input as much relevant criteria as possible will give you the most accurate quotes and estimate your insurance rates. It will take a few more minutes to use these calculators but in terms of results, they’re worth the time. ...
damage [ˈdæmɪdʒ] A.N 1.(gen) →dañom; (visible, eg on car) →desperfectosmpl; (to building, area) →dañospl to doorcause damage to[+building] →causardañosa; [+machine] →causar desperfectosen the bomb did a lot of damage→labombacausómuchosdaños ...
Despite this, the main merit of the Binary Logistic Regression model is that it is able estimate the impact of affecting variables on the probability of crashes and can help identify the factors related to risks in work zones. Machine learning approaches applied in this study perform well in ...
All predicted values of reads in a single cfDNA sample were then used to estimate the individual’s cancer risk score. The “Methods” section explains the formula used for this purpose. Fig. 7 DeepTrace outperformed other models in identifying HCC-derived reads. The performance of DeepTrace ...
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However, whether car- undertaken to determine the effect of L-carnitine supplementa- nitine replacement affects the plasma concentration of tion on plasma substrate and hormone concentrations in patients these substrates remains to be determined. Therefore, to with carnitine deficiency. evaluate the ...
We estimated the mean area covered by a single worm from the distribution of component area, and use this value to estimate the number of worms in each connected component. The average darkness of each single-worm component was compared to a heuristic threshold value (given by the average ...
7.to estimate as.I make the total 483.calcular 8.to appoint, or choose, as.He was made manager.nombrar,elegir 9.used with many nouns to give a similar meaning to that of the verb from which the noun is formed.He made several attempts (= attempted several times);They made a left ...
Define FFN. FFN synonyms, FFN pronunciation, FFN translation, English dictionary definition of FFN. an analysis of a substance, esp. of an ore or drug: His find required an assay to determine its value. Not to be confused with: essay – try; subject to a