Good advice (Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention & Consumer Protection Act of 2005): what you need to know about the Bankruptcy Act of 2005 The Colorado Wage Claim Act (the "Wage Act") requires employers to make timely payments of wages earned by employees. The Colorado Wage Claim Act: Are you lia...
11. (Law) something remitted 12. (Commerce) something remitted 13. NZ a proposal from a branch of an organization put forward for discussion at the annual general meeting [C14: from Latin remittere to send back, release, re- + mittere to send] reˈmittable adj Collins English Dictiona...
How Venus fly traps developed a liking for meat Twitter employees can work at home forever Saudi Arabia to triple VAT to support economy Over 19,000 pieces of stolen artwork found Scientists say cold air rises Giant hornets reach North America Game of Thrones star smashes weightlifting record Aqu...
11. (Law) something remitted 12. (Commerce) something remitted 13. NZ a proposal from a branch of an organization put forward for discussion at the annual general meeting [C14: from Latin remittere to send back, release, re- + mittere to send] reˈmittable adj Collins English Dictiona...
Small business owners often feel like their financial future is in their own hands. Prepare for it—and get a legal tax break—by contributing some of your business’ profits to your own 401(k).The same concept applies to your store employees. Contributing to their retirement plan is an ...
7.a slang word forbed 8.hit the sackslangto go to bed 9.rough as sacksNZuncouth vb(tr) 10.(Industrial Relations & HR Terms)informalto dismiss from employment put into a sack or sacks [Old Englishsacc,from Latinsaccusbag, from Greeksakkos; related to Hebrewsaq] ...
26. (tr) to supply a front for 27. informal (often foll by: up) Austral and NZ to appear (at): to front up at the police station. [C13 (in the sense: forehead, face): from Latin frōns forehead, foremost part] ˈfrontless adj Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridge...
All dues of retired employees will be paid within a single day, AG Sindh says A recent Employment Court judgement considered the meaning of "retirement" in Waikato District Health Board's (DHB) retiring gratuity provision under the DHB/NZNO multiemployer collective agreement (MECA). What does ...
26. (tr) to supply a front for 27. informal (often foll by: up) Austral and NZ to appear (at): to front up at the police station. [C13 (in the sense: forehead, face): from Latin frōns forehead, foremost part] ˈfrontless adj Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridge...