This elementary school is celebrating “Onomatopoeia Day.” Follow along as students make their way through their school using these words that imitate sounds. Listen to this fun read-aloud and finish with writing activities, drawing a comic, and exploring onomatopoeias. My Mindful A to Zen(Pre-...
There’s no longer an excuse of running out books to read at home, or screen time only consisting of TV and video games. Have your kids start reading books online for free today! We’ve spent hours scouring the web for the best, and free, resources for kids to read books online. Thi...
Read biographies of notable people in these nonfiction articles geared for elementary-aged students. Capitalization Learn to use capital letters for proper nouns and at the beginning of sentences. Cause and Effect Learn about cause and effect relationships. ...
Why we love it: Many kids will recognize themselves in the Elephant’s Child and his (in)satiable curiosity. After you read this one, have students come up with stories for the way other animals got their unique features. How did the giraffe get its long neck? How did the turtle get i...
consider incorporatingsocial emotional learning read aloudsthat feature characters navigating complex emotions in relatable situations. Students can then share their narratives in groups, fostering discussions on empathy and diverse viewpoints. Complement this activity with social emotional learning worksheets that...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook kneidel Wikipedia (ˈkneɪdəl; ˈknaɪ-) n (Judaism) (in Jewish cookery) a small dumpling, usually served in chicken soup [from Yiddish] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994...
Word families are an essential component of elementary school English Language Arts (ELA), helping students develop a strong foundation in phonics, spelling, and reading fluency. A word family consists of words that share a common pattern or ending, such as -at (cat, bat, hat) or -ight (...
Use thesefree, printableAesop’s Fables worksheetpagesto read, practice and learn more about fables and morals. Thesechildren’s fablesare handy for elementary age literacy lessons with kindergarteners, grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, grade 4 students and grade 5. Whether you are a parent, teache...
6 < > Home About me Everyday Life Series Cooking Positive living My books Homeschooling Curriculum My Store Support What I do Free Schooling Resources RESOURCES WRITING SCIENCE BIBLE HISTORY REMEDIAL ELEMENTARY LIFE SKILLS click HERE to purchase FIRST GRADE on Amazon ...
Althoughthese worksheets can be used with any dictionary, I highly suggestMerriam-Webster’s Elementary Dictionarywhich is great for elementary age children. It is easy for kids to use, includes color pictures throughout, has larger print, and includes a lot.If you do happen to use this dictio...