Then we could make integration for this peak and get peak area and retention time.\n\n\n\nHowever, due to the accuracy of instrument, the detected mass to charge ratio would have some shift and EIC would fail if different scan get the intensity from different mass to charge ratio.\n\...
(ESI-MS/MS) with the release of free metals from the corresponding metal–ligand complexes. The MS/MS data were used to elucidate the possible fragmentation pathways of different metal–deoxymugineic acid (–DMA) and metal–nicotianamine (–NA) complexes and select the product ions with highest...
Tafel polarization curves of self-repaired coated SFPUHE-HTF-CNTs-3 steel sheets Nanomaterials 2023, 13, 124 20 of 22 immersed in 3.5 wt% NaCl solution; Table S1: Corrosion current density and corrosion potential of SFPUHE-HTF-CNTs; Table S2: Conductivity of SFPUHE-HTF-CNTs before and after...
As can be seen in Table S3, there is a decrease in the intensity of the peaks related to carbon bonded with N and O as the amount of calcium citrate increases, which agrees with the survey spectra. The textural characterization of the samples was carried out by adsorption experiments using...
The numerical functions of these sub-models are summarized in Table 1. Energies 2023, 16, 6570 7 of 20 Table 1. Sub-models functions of the FPELG coupling with various types rebound devices. Numerical Model FPELG dynamic model Compression Combustion Expansion Exhaust Linear generator model ...
The results of the geometry of the nanoporous AAO template are presented in Table 2. MMiiccrroommaacchhiinneess 22002233,, 1144,, 1x4F1O9 R PEER REVIEW Micromachines 2023, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW TTaabbllee 22.. AAvveerraaggee ppoorree ddiiaammeetteerr aanndd iinntteerrppoorree ddiis...
T s: m = 6.418·106 kg; length L = 104 m; a2n.d3.dVraluidgahtitoDn o=f 5tfh.o9ellmSoiwm[2eu9dla]tb(ipyon.r2aw,niTdthaobEmlxelpyercihmaenngtainl gDtahtae combinations of m, L, and D (Monte Carlo m nitial speed of 9 m/s [29] (p. 3, Table 2). GuGguegt eatl....
Separations 2023, 1, x FOR PEER REVtIE4hWPeCE88(%A-)no-df o47dCecaawneas 1%0.a0t0O1 /A 1:1. There~f9ore, a phas0e.1rMatiHo N(OO/3A) of 1:19[i3so6fs]u12itable for t(hPeCs8e8pAa/r5aVtieorn- of 47Sc/47C0.a0.01(PC88A) satic10)-n-dodecane (Versatic10) + 0.1 ~9...
SEM image of after 25th and 50th cycles lithium stripping which the surface of (a,c) 3DM Cu@Li anode and (b,d) 3DM Cu/ZnO@Li- P composite anode, Table S2. Comparison of the cycling performance of Li metal anodes with Batteries 2023, 9, 188 11 of 13 decorating ZnO, Figure S10. ...
Sci. 2023, 13, 1410 8 of 24 7 of 21 Table 3. The 65 cc version of the Stihl 4MIX engine selected for the design. Table 3. The 65 cc version of the Stihl 4MIX engine selected for the design. Parameter CapacitPyarameter Bore Capacity Value 65 cc Value 50 mm 65 cc Stroke Bore ...