FreeDmaBuffer 例程释放以前由调用 AllocateDmaBuffer分配的 DMA 缓冲区。 FreeDmaBuffer 例程的函数指针类型定义如下。 语法 C++ 复制 PFREE_DMA_BUFFER PfreeDmaBuffer; NTSTATUS PfreeDmaBuffer( [in] PVOID _context, [in] HANDLE Handle ) {...} 参数 [in] _context 指定HDAUDIO_BUS_INTERFACE 或HD...
FreeDmaEngine例程的函数指针类型定义如下。 语法 C++ PFREE_DMA_ENGINE PfreeDmaEngine;NTSTATUSPfreeDmaEngine( [in] PVOID _context, [in] HANDLE Handle ){...} 参数 [in] _context 指定HDAUDIO_BUS_INTERFACEHDAUDIO_BUS_INTERFACE_V2或HDAUDIO_BUS_INTERFACE_BDL结构的上下文成员中的上下文值。
USB data cable connection Applicable to Mac/Windows system Connect the cell phone to the computer with USB data cable. (Click on File Transfer or Photo Transfer, and turn on HDB.) Open HDB 1. First enter Settings, then type HDB into the top search box. ...
You install WETC on both the source and destination computers. The PCs can talk to each other over a network or through an Easy Transfer USB cable. The driver for the Easy Transfer cable is included in Windows Vista; for Windows XP you'll need to install the driver from the product CD....
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Usb Driver Update is a professional driver management tool features both driver management and hardware diagnostics. Download Usb Driver Update by Spyware Cleaner Publisher: Spyware Cleaner License: Freeware Price: USD $0.00 Filesize: 5.0 MB Date Added: 07/14/2012Usb Driver Update is a professional...
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The AMD Ryzen™ Chipset Driver is a software package that links the motherboard chipset and the AMD Ryzen processor. It consists of several drivers that allow for the proper operation of various components like USB, SATA, and NVMe storage devices. ...
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